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Choose Relevant Keywords
This is the very step, even before choosing the title or description of what’s to be written. Accomplishing this is not a difficult feat. All that must be done is to go to one of the keyword tools that are available, such as Yahoo’s Overture, iceboat and Google Ads. These services offer free basic searches for the cost-cutting individuals, but they also offer better and more advanced versions of these services for a certain price. The latter is considered to be a good investment since it provides a lot of important information to the marketers.
This task is actually an “art”. Choosing keywords for the best possible search engine optimization is a vital part of the entire process. There are several methods that can be utilized to accomplish it. A good example would be to choose long tail keywords. For those who are merely starting out in this industry, it is enough to decide on about ten relevant keywords that will be strategically inserted through the article for SEO Philippines.
Writing the Article
Writing the body of the literature is the next step and should ideally be done first before coming up with the title. The opening and closing paragraphs should be “rich” in the use of the gathered and chosen keywords, since they are the ones that search engine spiders will most likely concentrate on searching. It is ideal to build the work by using two keywords per paragraph.
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